As a purpose-led business, we are part of a community of businesses worldwide building a more inclusive and sustainable economy.
In our eighth annual Positive Impact Report, we provide details on how our Positive Impact portfolios are delivering for the benefit of our clients, and broader society, highlighting the considerable progress made since launching these twelve years ago.
With the regulator now defining impact investing and establishing minimum requirements in-line with the core principles we have adhered to for many years, reporting on our long-established explicit sustainability goals and their impact has become the benchmark for sustainable wealth management.
Our stewardship strategy looks to build industry influence and promote best practices amongst fund managers. Engagement with underlying companies further contributes to our impact goals.
The report explores five themes that address global challenges, and how we have an impact both through investment and engagement:
- Investing in AI for good
- Investing in health and well-being
- Investing in social inclusion & empowerment
- Investing for the climate
- Investing in natural capital & biodiversity protection

This year, we bring a fresh lens to reporting on engagement progress by not only showing which milestones we have hit but also the year-on-year changes across a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) highlighting ‘best practice’ in each theme.
We also provide examples of AGM participation, using our voice and influence on behalf of shareholders to advocate for positive change within companies.
Recently, we have placed a strong focus on shareholder voting, ensuring that our clients’ interests are represented and that companies are held accountable for their actions. We end the report with findings from our market-leading analysis of asset manager voting records across 600 shareholder resolutions.

As we continue to push the boundaries of impact investing, we remain committed to delivering long-term capital growth while investing in solutions to the world’s major challenges and actively engaging for change.
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