EQ Bespoke Investment Service

FacebooktwitterlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterlinkedinmail   by Alice Lough, 2nd February 2024

Join us on the 8th of February 2024 at midday for a deep dive into the EQ Bespoke Service and to discover how we can help you service and manage your clients requiring a bespoke portfolio.

EQ Investors’ bespoke service is designed with your client in mind. We can personalise portfolios to match clients’ individual sustainability preferences, whilst efficiently managing potentially complex tax positions and building personalised portfolios to maximise financial returns, as well as environmental and social impact.

You’ll hear from Matt Hardy, Sales Director, and Daniel Bland, Head of Sustainable Investment Management, who will be providing further insight into the EQ bespoke service and presenting some practical examples of how we can work with you to meet your clients’ sustainability and financial goals and objectives.

We offer a full end-to-end solution, which covers custody, investment tax management, client services and portfolio management for amounts exceeding £500,000.

Contact Alice

    Alice Lough