Financial planning: back to basics

FacebooktwitterlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterlinkedinmail   by Ben Faulkner, 17th April 2019

This year, EQ Investors will once again be taking part in Financial Planning Week, running from the 7 to 11 October. To coincide, we are hosting an informative breakfast seminar, where we’ll go over some financial planning basics. You’ll gain an understanding of:

  • why you need a plan
  • making the most of your money
  • using your tax-free allowances
  • why an early start makes all the difference
  • the magic of compounding
  • why we all need a safety net
  • how much risk should you take
  • DIY investing vs. a discretionary wealth manager approach
  • why life assurance shouldn’t be forgotten.

Refreshments and a light breakfast will be provided.

Places are limited so book yours today!

Contact Ben

    Ben Faulkner

    As EQ's Communications Director, Ben is responsible for developing, managing and implementing our marketing communications strategy.