Celebrating four years of sustainable passive investing

FacebooktwitterlinkedinmailFacebooktwitterlinkedinmail   by Alice Lough, 4th March 2024

Join us as we celebrate the 4-year anniversary of the EQ Future Leaders Portfolios. We’ll look at portfolio construction, dive deeper into the sustainability process and compare it vs peers. Finally, we will share our thoughts on what’s next for the Future Leaders strategy.

  • The topics covered will include the following:
  • Introduction to the EQ Future Leaders Portfolios.
  • Evolution of the proposition since launch.
  • Review of performance over last four years.
  • What’s unique for the proposition vs peers
  • What’s ahead for the EQ Future Leaders Portfolios.

Your speakers will be:

  • Damien Lardoux, CFA, Head of Impact Investing, EQ Investors
  • Louisiana Salge, Head of Sustainability, EQ Investors
  • Johnny Bowie, Sustainability Analyst, EQ Investors

The webinar will last one hour including 15 min for Q&A, giving you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Note: This webinar is aimed at professional financial advisers and paraplanners only. CPD forms available upon request.

Contact Alice

    Alice Lough