

Best Ideas Portfolios

Best Ideas Portfolios

Patient and disciplined investing, with a focus on long-term capital growth

Our most flexible approach to investing, combines passive funds with high quality active managers to capture global investment themes & achieve long-term capital growth.

Best Ideas portfolio

We make investing easy

We build your investment plan around you. By getting to know you, we can create and manage a portfolio that you can be proud of. We care about you and your money.

We think differently so we can take advantage of the things that others miss

Independent thinking from EQ Investors

Independent thinking

As an independent business we like to think differently. We’re nimble, and ideally positioned to take advantage of niche opportunities, smaller funds and newer fund managers.

We evaluate all major markets and invest your money where we see the right mix of risk vs. reward. It’s not easy to beat the market, so we don’t often find new gems. But we keep seeking them out.

financial planning

A robust approach

We have a highly qualified team with the flexibility and expertise to consider all types of investment. We spend a lot of time analysing global markets with specialist tools, invest in the areas of the market where we see the strongest opportunities.

We are rigorous in selecting the best fund managers to exploit these opportunities & keep our ingredients broad, but carefully select and blend them to suit each portfolio.

Look under the bonnet

Our investment philosophy...

Core-satellite approach

We adopt an approach that combines core funds that closely track the market with satellite funds that we think have potential to outperform but could deviate from the market at any given point in time. The choice of and proportion of satellite holdings is based on our investment outlook.

What makes a ‘core’ holding

The purpose of these portfolios is to deliver long-term capital growth. We build each portfolio to match client risk tolerance and to achieve that, we rely on our core holdings to perform as expected and in line with the market. Hence core holdings can include index trackers as well as actively managed funds whose characteristics do not deviate from the primary market in which they invest.

Satellite component

Satellite holdings are those with materially different characteristics to the broader market. These can be defensive in nature (such as focusing on less volatile stocks), they could target a specific market segment (such as smaller companies) or they can focus on long term structural growth themes (such as thematic investment funds focused on the likes of artificial intelligence. healthcare or climate solutions businesses).


We believe the best investment decisions are made when investors use all available information. Therefore, we invest in funds where the managers integrate analysis of environmental, social & governance data from the perspective of both risks and opportunities, when considering the investment opportunity of each individual company.

Long-term returns

Eight risk-adjusted portfolio options are available, globally diversified across asset classes – ranging from defensive to all-equity.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

The value of investments and the income derived from them may go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you originally invested.

Model portfolio performance is shown in sterling, net of underlying fund charges and an annual management fee of 0.59%, with all income reinvested. Actual client returns and the levels of fees will vary. Annual management fees will vary depending on assets under management and the level of service. We use the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI) to benchmark the performance of our portfolios; CPI measures changes in the price level of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. Data sources: EQ, Morningstar.

Looking for more information?


Best Ideas – Cautious

This portfolio maintains a bias towards lower volatility investments with equity holdings limited to 50%. It focuses on capital protection with a moderate participation in equity market growth, and aims to reduce investment risk by diversifying across regions and asset classes.



Best Ideas – Cautious Plus

This portfolio maintains a bias towards lower volatility investments with equity holdings limited to 60%. It focuses on capital protection with a moderate participation in equity market growth, and aims to reduce investment risk by diversifying across regions and asset classes.



Best Ideas – Balanced

This portfolio has a range of investments with different risks, where equity holdings are limited to 70%. It aims to reduce investment risk by diversifying across regions and asset classes, and achieve a balance of capital protection and participation in equity market growth.



Best Ideas – Balanced Plus

This portfolio has a range of investments with different risks, where equity holdings are limited to 80%. It aims to reduce investment risk by diversifying across regions and asset classes, and achieve a balance of capital protection and participation in equity market growth.



Best Ideas – Adventurous

This portfolio maintains a bias towards higher volatility investments, with up to 90% invested in equity funds. It aims to diversify risk by investing across regions, and enhance returns through its asset allocation strategy and fund selections.



Best Ideas – Adventurous Plus

This portfolio maintains a bias towards higher volatility investments, with up to 95% invested in equity funds. It aims to diversify risk by investing across regions, and enhance returns through its asset allocation strategy and fund selections. 



Best Ideas – All Equity

This portfolio is designed for the most adventurous risk profile, with up to 100% invested in equity funds. It is unconstrained by selection criteria within the universe of available equity funds, and can make concentrated investments, use sector specific funds, and invest in any geographic region. As a high risk portfolio, its performance is expected to be volatile.


Find the right portfolio for you


Future Leaders

Combines the growing preference for socially responsible portfolios with the increasing popularity of low-cost passive funds.

Positive Impact portfolio

Positive Impact

Our flagship impact investing strategy, designed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals.



Designed for clients who want a fully personalised investment portfolio offering a unique blend of strategies.

© 2024 EQ Investors Ltd. Company registered in England and Wales (No.07223330). EQ Investors Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Ref. 539422). UK Investors only.