Positive Impact Portfolios
Positive Impact Portfolios
Invest in solutions to social and environmental issues
For investors who want their investments to generate long-term returns and prioritise sustainability by investing in solutions that address the world’s major social and environmental challenges.
Positive Impact is designed around the UN Sustainable Development Goals to address the biggest challenges faced by humanity.
We make sustainable investing easy
We build your investment plan around you. By getting to know you, we can create and manage a portfolio that you can be proud of. We care about you and your money.
We can all make a difference, here’s what we invest in on your behalf
We support people
Affordable housing
Financial inclusion and insurance
Social care
Sustainable food
We support the planet
Circular economy
Clean energy
Conservation of natural resources
Energy efficiency
Sustainable infrastructure
Sustainable transport
Company examples
What positive impacts have the companies in your portfolio had in the last year?
Investing (e.g., buying shares in a company) does not create these outputs and outcomes: they are instead generated by the activities of our underlying portfolio holdings. An investment can be associated with these measures based on company disclosures and share of ownership. The measures shown will differ depending on the amount invested and portfolio invested in. For an in-depth explanation of our methodology, please click here.
Long-term returns
Eight risk-adjusted portfolio options are available, globally diversified across asset classes – ranging from defensive to all-equity.
Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
The value of investments and the income derived from them may go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you originally invested.
Model portfolio performance is shown in sterling, net of underlying fund charges and an annual management fee of 0.59%, with all income reinvested. Actual client returns and the levels of fees will vary. Annual management fees will vary depending on assets under management and the level of service. We use the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI) to benchmark the performance of our portfolios; CPI measures changes in the price level of a weighted average market basket of consumer goods and services purchased by households. Data sources: EQ, Morningstar.
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Best Ideas
Identifies up and coming investment themes and profits from the resulting opportunities. Integrates sustainability factors commonly referred to as ‘ESG’: environmental, social and governance.
Future leaders
Combines the growing preference for socially responsible portfolios with the increasing popularity of low-cost passive funds.
Designed for clients who want a fully personalised investment portfolio offering a unique blend of strategies.