
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

ESG funds have never been more popular with investors

Louisiana Salge, impact specialist at EQ Investors, says the popularity of ESG funds is linked to the integration of ESG factors into the mainstream, as well as improving performance and, for the most part, better risk protection for investors. Read more
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Going green with your pension

Jeannie Boyle, Director & Chartered Financial Planner at EQ Investors explains why you need to find out where your money’s going and demand a pension to be proud of. Read more
Friday, August 7, 2020

A fifth of over 50s retirement plans impacted by Covid-19

Matt Lewis chartered financial planner (CFP) at EQ Investors says: “Markets continue to be choppy and for those investors with a UK bias in their pension fund (or a default holding) they will need to review. The FTSE 100 has not had the same recovery as the US which could see pension funds lower. Read more
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Climate change ETFs: What is all the fuss about?

Louisiana Salge, impact specialist at EQ Investors, highlighted a big oversight from the index providers when constructing these climate indices. “Often these indices are built looking at Scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions data as input, only,” Salge said. “This is a huge flaw in our view, given that for some industries, 80%+ of a businesses’ emissions come from Scope 3 emissions.” Read more