
Friday, November 9, 2018

ESG is great, but impact cuts the mustard

With $5-7 trillion of investment needed yearly to solve the 17 most urgent global issues by 2030, EQ's Louisiana Salge explains how companies like Unilever are discovering the rewards of impact investing Read more
Thursday, November 8, 2018

Should you be investing in AI?

EQ Portfolio Manager Kasim Zafar, contributes to this article discussing artificial intelligence (AI) - one of the investment buzzwords of the moment. Read more
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Probate fees to soar from April 2019

Dan Atkinson of EQ Investors considers the announcement that the cost of securing legal control over a deceased's estate will soar next April and provides a few options on what people can do. Read more
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Six ways the self employed can boost their pension

Dan Atkinson, head of technical at EQ said saving regularly is key, “but for the self-employed, it’s not until the end of their trading year that they know what their profits will be and therefore how much they can put into a pension”. Read more
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Client reporting moves to a new level

For clients investing in socially responsible portfolios, an important measure of value is likely to be the environmental and social impact that their investments are actually delivering. Read more