Carbon calculator

You can generate a carbon report in PDF format for your clients using the link below

What's the carbon footprint of your portfolio?

All investments carry a carbon footprint, by investing in businesses that emit greenhouse gases through their activities.
  • {{request.investmentAmount | currency:'£':0}} in {{request.strategyName}} {{request.riskgradeName}}
Enter a value between £500 - £100,000,000

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Here's how the annual emissions associated with your {{ totalInvestmentAmount | currency:'£':0 }} investment in your EQ portfolios compare against investing the same amount into a World Equity index. To illustrate the scale of this difference, we have converted it into some commonly known equivalents:

Your Portfolio

World equity index

Your portfolio tonnes of CO2
World Equity index tonnes of CO2

{{pfTotal < 1 ? (pfTotal | number:2) : (pfTotal | number: 0)}}

tonnes of CO2

{{benchmarkTotal < 1 ? (benchmarkTotal | number: 2) : (benchmarkTotal | number: 0)}}

tonnes of CO2

What's the difference?

{{ benchmarkTotal - pfTotal < 1 ? (benchmarkTotal - pfTotal | number: 2) : (benchmarkTotal - pfTotal | number: 0) }} tonnes of CO2 is equivalent to the emissions from:

{{ carsEquiv }}

{{ carsEquiv }}











Emissions breakdown

Here’s the breakdown of tonnes of carbon emissions associated with the companies in your portfolio versus the ones in an index of global companies. Scope 1 & 2 covers direct emissions and those from purchased energy whilst scope 3 covers all other indirect emissions, e.g., providers/suppliers or from the use of their products and services.

Please note that switching your investments does not directly save emissions in the real world and does not offset your personal carbon footprints. To understand this better please click here.

Your portfolio (tCO2e) World equity index (tCO2e)
Scope 1 & 2 {{pfScope12 | localeNumber}} {{benchmarkScope12 | localeNumber}}
Scope 3 {{pfScope3 | localeNumber}} {{benchmarkScope3 | localeNumber}}
Total {{pfTotal | localeNumber}} {{benchmarkTotal | localeNumber}}
We use an industry standard methodology, which lets us associate the tonnes of CO2 equivalent emitted per 1m GBP invested, and scale it to any amount of shareholding. We use the “Financed carbon emissions method”, using Enterprise Value including Cash (EVIC) as recommended in the PCAF carbon accounting standard. We only focus on the equity portion of the portfolio to enable comparability with a standard market index, and include direct and indirect carbon emissions from the businesses (Scope 1,2 and 3 as defined by the greenhouse gas protocol). Scope 1 & 2 covers direct emissions and those from purchased energy. We also chose to include Scope 3 emissions, which are all the indirect upstream and downstream emissions of a business, e.g. providers/suppliers or from the use of their products and services. Please note that naturally, the associated Scope 3 emissions may include some double counting when investing in businesses sharing the same supply chains. The underlying Scope 1,2 and 3 carbon emissions data is sourced by MSCI and reflect most recent portfolio holdings and disclosed carbon data. For a full methodology: click here